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combat smuggling中文是什么意思

用"combat smuggling"造句"combat smuggling"怎么读"combat smuggling" in a sentence


  • 打私


  • He set about reducing the national debt and combating smuggling
  • Two new x - ray systems to help customs combat smuggling - june 9 , 2004 ( wednesday )
  • Publically , the tobacco industry maintains that tax increases are not effective . the industry asserts that smuggling is caused by taxes , and that to combat smuggling , taxes must be reduced
  • It shall , in accordance with this law and other related laws and administrative regulations , exercise control over means of transport , goods , travelers ' luggage , postal items and other articles entering or leaving the territory ( hereinafter referred to as inward and outward means of transport , goods and articles ) , collect customs duties and other taxes and fees , prevent and combat smuggling , compile customs statistics and handle other customs operations
    海关依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规,监管进出境的运输工具、货物、行李物品、邮递物品和其他物品(以下简称进出境运输工具、货物、物品) ,征收关税和其他税、费,查缉走私,并编制海关统计和办理其他海关业务。
用"combat smuggling"造句  
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